Mom Guilt - ugh it makes me cringe.  Motherhood can be so hard at times and the guilt that comes along with that role brings such uneasy feelings to my gut.  And in today's world of social media, there is so much intentional judgement and unintentional pressure to do more... to be more.  Momma - we don't need that! 

The Never-Ending Guilt!

Do you suffer from mom guilt? (If you answered no - I don't believe you! )

Maybe there's a little voice in the back of your mind telling you that you are not enough. Was I too harsh? Am I being permissive? Am I teaching them boundaries?  Should I just stay home? 

I feel guilty that I served cereal for dinner. I feel guilty that I don't always enjoy playing with my kids.  I feel guilty that I'm working.  I feel guilty that I didn't take my kids to the fair like Jen's family did. 

Seriously, we can't win!

The list that one could feel "mom guilt" over is endless and trust me momma - you are not alone in those feelings. 

Mom Guilt is a Lie!

The truth is momma - you are killing it! You are loving your kids hard, keeping their bellies full, kissing those boo-boos, answering a bazillion and a half questions, listening to the same song over and over and somehow not losing your mind... I don't know about you, but that sure sounds like success in my book!

So why do we feel so damn guilty all the time? 

Comparison is the Thief of Joy

Part of our problem is that we are always comparing ourselves to the moms around us and with social media there are millions of moms around us! You must remember that social media is a "highlight reel."  Each person is purposefully choosing what they decide to show you and you are comparing it to your "behind the scenes."

It's hard enough to be a momma - so stop putting other mommas up on a pedestal because I would be willing to bet she - if she's being real and honest - will tell you she feels like she is dropping the ball too. 

So stop comparing yourself... 

     To the mom who never lets her kids watch TV. 

     To the mom who never wants to be apart from her kids. 

     To the mom who is always on the floor playing. 

     To the mom with the spotless house. 

     To the mom who always seems to keep her cool. 

The pressure of comparing ourselves to one another can be torturous, at best.  You are not her, and most importantly, she is not you.  You have different priorities, different talents, different goals, different support systems, and different to-do lists.  What works for her and her children doesn't necessarily work for you and yours. You feel she has it all, has all the answer, able to do it all, but you don't know her story, what she's been through, or what help she has.    

The "perfection" you are aiming for or measuring yourself against does not exist.  The other moms you are envying are just like you, worrying about what they are doing wrong and what they should be doing better.  They have good days and bad days, moments that they are proud and others that they cringe to think about.  

Drop the unreasonable standards.  There is nothing wrong with trying to be a better momma but give yourself some grace because all our kids really need is to feel loved! 

Its time to Ditch the Mom Guilt!

Mom guilt does not serve us and if you can work to overcome those thoughts and feelings, I guarantee you will feel happier, calmer and more confident. So let's get to work! 

Here are 5 simple ways to Ditch the Mom Guilt forever

1. Stop comparing yourself to her and stop reaching for perfect! Stop following those social media accounts that make you feel inadequate.  Perfectionism simply doesn't exist.  Focus on being a present and connected parent who is also willing to apologize when she makes a mistake. 

2. Reclaim your identity!  It is incredibly easy to lose yourself in the mix of caring for your kiddos.  Your role as momma is important for sure but it is ok to have passions and dreams outside of those cute little babies.  Try to take time regularly to do thing that you truly enjoy - think old hobbies, a side business, a new yoga class.  (This is why I started my business)

3. Treat yourself like a friend! It is time to treat your self with the kindness, love and acceptance you deserve.  Check your self-talk!  Would you hold a mom friend to the same expectations you are holding yourself to? If you wouldn't say it to her, don't say it to yourself!

4. Find your momma tribe! We all need friends! Our friends support us, encourage and champion us, make us laugh, cry with us, and love and accept us flaws and all.  Find your tribe and do life with them.  (Are you looking for a tribe? Come on over and join us in the Moms In Motion Facebook Community!)

5. Practice real self-care! This is intentionally choosing to make yourself and your needs a priority.  That includes things like getting adequate sleep, exercising, creating and honoring boundaries, and investing in your dreams.  You are worth it, momma!

Give Yourself Some Grace

Ok let's be real, you're never going to get rid of mom guilt entirely.  The point of these ideas is to help you build resilience so you can challenge the guilty thoughts and bounce back.  

Whatever you do, give yourself some grace! You love those kiddos and even though they can drive you bonkers, you would do anything for them.  Despite whatever it is you think you are doing wrong, I'm willing to bet those little ones think that they have a pretty amazing momma! And what they think.. that's all that really matters.  

If you want to connect with other Mommas looking to ditch the guilt and set their dreams in motion, join us over on Facebook!
